From the Heart of a Horsewoman…Horse-A Bridge Between Spirit and Matter

“For those of us born with a passion toward Horse, and I am fortunate to
be among them, the ephemeral quality of our Horse longings, our Horse
relationships, bring questions alongside difficult-to-translate answers.
Why? What inner yearning calls me? What draws my Heart to Horses? Lynnea
Honn dances through the dimensions of these yearnings with metaphor,
lore, poetic prose, and fifty-horse-years of hands-on insights. Delight
yourself in this ‘chocolate’ of horse memoirs, one sweet bite, one sweet
paragraph, at a time.”
          Dawn Jenkins, Lady Farrier  Frazier Park, California

Thank you Dawn, for this wonderful review. And thank you for being the first reader to encourage me by “liking” and “following” From the Heart of a Horsewoman. We share the same path. Now we introduce this path to more of The Tribe of Horse. I hope they will resonate with the book the way we do.